The value of modern two-wire technology
Replacing aging instrumentation with more accurate devices reduces maintenance and operating costs

Process improvements to increase yield or cut manufacturing cost, typically require enhanced process control, but the installed base of measurement instrumentation on a process plant may simply be unable to facilitate it, because of age, inadequate performance or unreliability. Maintenance cost and unscheduled process down time for an aging process plant can be very damaging to the balance sheet.
The need to replace older technologies
Where a process plant has a large installed base of older mechanical technologies, the decision to embark upon a program of replacement for plant modernization cannot, of course, be taken easily. However, a process plant which retains the older technology going forward will be at risk and may find it increasingly difficult or even impossible to maintain a cost position that competes effectively in the global market.
Payback for technology upgrade
This paper describes advances in two-wire instrumentation, specifically in relation to flowmeters, that have taken place in the past few years, and the significant cost benefits that this new technology can realize for plant builders and operators in terms of capital investment and cost of ownership.