Tailings water management is a challenging obligation in many mining operations. Mining gangue pumped into tailings ponds requires constant monitoring to protect the surrounding environment and local residents. Often carried out on site, the control of the multiple necessary parameters such as inlet, water table, neighboring water bodies, and dam level can be a time consuming and error-prone affair. Endress+Hauser offers a comprehensive portfolio for accurate, efficient tailings management.
Key facts
tailings dams exist around the world
Learn more about remote monitoring

Comprehensive inlet monitoring
Rigorous tailings management starts at the inlet to tailings ponds. It also goes beyond the monitoring of fundamental inlet parameters such as ore slurry flow. Ore slurry solids content also needs to be measured to monitor tailings pond capacity.
Our expertise in the field
Endress+Hauser technologies provide comprehensive inlet monitoring.
- Rely on a single, smart device for total inlet monitoring
- Measure inlet flow and quality with our electromagnetic flowmeters
- Monitor water quality with our Memosens digital analytical sensors

Accurate levels measurement
One of the most critical parameters for the safe operation of a tailings dam is level, not only of the surface water but of the water table beneath the dam. Monitoring surface water levels can give an early indication of a sudden rise due to floods, rain, or ice melt.
Our expertise in the field
Endress+Hauser provides a broad portfolio for accurate and safe tailings dam monitoring.
- Protect communities and the environment with reliable tailings dam monitoring
- Measure dam surface water levels with a radar level transmitter
- Monitor the underlying water table with hydrostatic level sensors

Practical and compliant water quality monitoring
Responsible tailings water management entails the monitoring of the quality of surrounding bodies of water to ensure protection of the local population and environment.
Our expertise in the field
Endress+Hauser facilitates this task, offering both stationary and portable sampling stations in full compliance with all relevant national and international standards, such as ISO 5667.
- Outfit your sampling station according to your specific requirements
- Leverage portable water sample stations for practical, accurate on-site monitoring
- Conduct convenient, automated water extraction with a stationary water sample station
- Connect up to four digital analytical Memosens sensors to create a complete measuring installation
- Utilize additional potential for event sampling and further PLC integration

Dependable remote monitoring
Monitoring tailings dams manually is both time consuming and labor intensive.
Our expertise in the field
Combining wireless, smart devices with a broad range of digital networks, Endress+Hauser makes remote monitoring possible, providing a cost-effective, reliable alternative without compromising security or legal compliance.
- Consult with our expert teams to design the optimal solution for your needs
- Integrate highly accurate and reliable smart monitoring devices
- Connect with standardized protocols like WirelessHART or the proprietary Endress+Hauser IIoT cloud solution Netilion
- Switch to remote monitoring for cost efficiencies in tailings dam management
With every tailings dam related accident the awareness for tighter controls and legislation rises. With our expertise both in the mining and water industry we can support you in creating a reliable monitoring system for your tailings dams. Our encompassing portfolio not only covers all relevant measuring points but also offers digital connectivity for remote monitoring. This makes the surveillance of your tailings dams more efficient and less time-consuming.
Key facts
max solids content by weight measurable with our electromagnetic flowmeters
Key facts
+/- 2 mm
of accuracy has our recommended level measurement device for measuring the water level
Key facts
of our measurement instrumentation portfolio is digital
How we can help
Covering multiple parameters, Endress+Hauser’s smart instrumentation can consistently send highly accurate and reliable data remotely to a monitoring or control system. In this way Endress+Hauser enables more effective and efficient tailings water management in mining operations.
- Inlet, dam and water quality monitoring for population and environmental protection
- Highly accurate, robust instrumentation for operation in harsh environments
- Remote, real-time monitoring for safe and effective intervention