FieldPort SFP20 USB modem for the configuration of IO-Link devices
Field of application
The FieldPort SFP20 is a USB modem for the configuration of Endress+Hauser IO-Link devices, and also of devices from other vendors. Combined with the IO-Link CommDTM and the IODD Interpreter, the FieldPort SFP20 complies with the FDT/DTM standards.
It is suitable for service technicians configuring IO-Link measuring devices for point-to-point communication. The FieldPort is ready-integrated and tested, and users can start configuring IO-Link devices easily. The FieldPort works with FieldCare SFE500. It also works with every other FDT Frame, if required.
Fast and easy commissioning of IO-Link devices.
No network scan required, enormous time savings with point-to-point connection.
Easy, trouble-free configuration of every IO-Link device, including devices from other vendors.
High degree of flexibility regarding the choice of FDT Frame.
Digital communications now provide a wealth of additional diagnostic and other information, enabling operational insights unachievable with simple 4-20mA measurements alone.